You were lucky, the tapes contained Old Light, so Jehovah let you off with a toe stubbing.
Try a stunt like that with the new gray NNWT though, and all bets are off. Jehovah might send anti-matter after you.
true story.
so was cleaning out an old storage unit on family property.
i happened upon an old audio casette case full of audio watchtowers.
You were lucky, the tapes contained Old Light, so Jehovah let you off with a toe stubbing.
Try a stunt like that with the new gray NNWT though, and all bets are off. Jehovah might send anti-matter after you.
is it me--- or is stand for pure worship slowly wavering in his posts ?.
I think Laika is correct.
I make an effort to ignore SfPW's posts as often as possible.
Don't feed the trolls and don't take their bait.
Imagine if SfPW started a thread and it was completely ignored?
I know, call me a dreamer...
i am still a jw.
i cant give any more details than this because of my family members who are devout jws.
i cherish a larger picture in my heart without anybody knowing ittrue worship means love and compassion, (luke 10:25-37) not belonging to any organization or having a set of belief system!
Abiather (you presumptuous JW twit),
Here's how YOU can improve your standing in the XJW community: remember that NONE of us are here to fulfill Your needs or desires or live up to your "thoughtfully worked out" standards.
We HAVE NOT been prayerfully awaiting YOUR arrival here. Each INDIVIDUAL here has their own story and their own reason for being here.
You may be AMAZED to learn that NONE of these individuals was waiting for YOU to show up and tell them how they can IMPROVE themselves.
You can be more ELEGANT if you keep this thought in mind: Everyday, the Universe provides THOUSANDS of opportunities for you to SHUT UP. When you are inclined to offer a left-handed compliment with advice about how the reader can further improve themselves, take advantage of THAT opportunity to SHUT UP.
Other than that, it will be perfectly wonderful having you here (at last!) to guide us out of gloomy darkness and into YOUR dazzling light.
hi lady,.
i have great admiration and respect for your wisdom, courage, insight, fighting spirit and advocacy on behalf of abused ex-jws.
to me, you are like a lady with 'the mind of steel' if you are reading this thread, this is a tribute to your oustanding work on behalf of the disfranchised.
...but... SHE'S NOT HERE!
once you realize ttatt, how can anyone with half a brain, go back??.
Minimus, you'll see! You'll see! In just a couple short weeks, when Hank kicks the shit out of you & me, SBF will be there, counting his money and laughing. *
Those unfamiliar with the "HANK" scenario are invited to view the FREE Bible-basedâ„¢ short film, "Kissing Hank's Ass."
as some of you may know, i'm a pretty troubled lad who was on the verge of getting baptised but stopped when i learned the shocking truth about the organization.
following that my own mother let me have it in anger to my decision.
since then, my life has been true hell.. .
The elders are only guys, nothing more. Don't cloak them with the attributes of Israelite Priests; the fact is that the Israelite Priests were only guys too, with the benefit of hundreds of years of image-polishing. So don't be stunned by ANYTHING your "elders" do, if they screw up, they will be the first to tell you that they are "just IMPERFECT men" prone to err -- and they forgive EACH OTHER, which is a nice gig.
Unlike most who post here, I will give you your secret key to freedom. Keep this a secret until the day you use it and it will work for you. The secret exit key is that the day you turn 18 you join the US military (I am assuming you live in the US). You seem smart... if you REALLY are smart you will apply yourself in school and pursue improving your physical fitness: Don't let the old "bodily training is beneficial for a little..." mantra disuade you. Be low-key about it, but strive to improve yourself in ALL ways.
When you join the military, they will offer you tests to help them decide where to put you. You want to score as highly on these tests as you possibly can so that you are not seen as a mere grunt. Remember this advice, it is your key to personal salvation. WHY? Because the Watchtower thinks you have NO options. If you are in your parents' home you are under their rules. So you LEAVE their house and become your own man.
There are times I wish I had this advice 50 years ago, but I didn't.
emeth said: "russell never claimed to be a inspired prophet or without any failures or mistakes.
he was just a human as much as i and you are.
he is just a person who started a process of digging and searching for bible truths.
" outdated and irrelavant (sic)" = WRONG
from roguepixel100 on youtube.
from "roguepixel100" on youtube.
ones that have themes that come uncomfortabllly close to the cult dynamic.. i already got him to watch the obsolete man on twilight zone.
he sauggested watching some old tz again tonight so i wioll pick where is everybody, and escape clause.. i have heard oters say the movie truman show was a good movie as is the matrix ( though i detest violence).
any more suggestions for my personal handy dandy list?.
"Ticket To Heaven"